Indica vs. Sativa
When purchasing cannabis at 7 Stars or any other dispensary you may have noticed how strains are broken up into two categories: indica and sativa. Most often these terms dictate the products you choose. This is because each variety is effective for particular conditions or diseases.
So what do these terms mean and what do researchers have to say about them?
Indica and Sativa. What do these terms mean?
Also referred to as “In-da-couch”. The sedative effects make it ideal for relaxation and nighttime use. Ideal for alleviating symptoms from these diseases and disorders:
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic Pain
Panic Attacks
Origin: Cannabis Indica was primarily found in hot and dry climates and are native to Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey.
Plant Description: Indica plants are known for its dark green, short, and bushy with thick leaves. They have a shorter flowering cycle than other types of cannabis.
Daytime or Nighttime use: Because of its full body sedating effects, it is best to use at nighttime.
Popular Strains: Three popular strains are Granddaddy Purple, Purple Kush, and Northern Lights. Click here to view all the indica strains we have in stock today
Often referred to as a “cerebral” high. The uplifting effects make it a great for outdoor activities, social events, and gatherings or tapping into that creativity. Ideal for alleviating symptoms from these diseases and disorders:
Low Appetite
Chronic Pain
Origin: Cannabis sativa was primarily in hot temperatures like Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, and western portions of Asia.
Plant Description: Sativa Plants are known for being tall and thin with skinny finger-like leaves. They take longer to mature than some other types of cannabis.
Daytime or Nighttime use: Because of its energizing effects, it is best to use in the daytime.
Popular Strains: Three popular strains are jack herer, durban poison, and maui wowie. Click here to view all the sativa strains we have in stock today.
Hybrid: Hybrid strains are just that, a hybrid of Sativa & Indica. These offer a more balanced experience for the user. Thus, they provide the user with a combination of alleviating symptoms stated above which vary depending on the strain.
What does current research say?
Unfortunately, cannabis illegality has prevented researchers from studying the cannabis plant resulting in a crucial lack of credible research. Even though Sativa and Indica are generally accepted terms in the cannabis community, science is now uncovering new levels of complexity in the cannabis plant. As a result, we are beginning to learn that the effects of each strain are a consequence of a combination of the cannabinoids and the terpenes in a given strain. For patients new to cannabis products indica and sativa are helpful terms for patients simplify and make sense of cannabis products.
These terms can help you find the right product for you but you must keep this in mind:
Be aware of what you are trying to accomplish. The aliments you are trying to treat will direct you to the right product. Talk to a 7 Star cannabis consultant about your objective.
Pick your desired consumption method based on your lifestyle . Each method of consuming cannabis has benefits and disadvantages. For instance, edibles take longer to take effect but don’t irraitate your lungs like smoking or vaping.
Keep your tolerance in mind. If you don’t know your tolerance yet be sure to start off slow and with a low dose.
As more research continues to become available make sure to return back to this site for more thoroughly detailed articles. Also feel free to check out some external resources listed below.
Still confused about indica and sativa? Stop by 7 Stars and one of our Cannabis Consultants would be happy to answer any of your questions and guide you to the right product.
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